At Frontier Crate we search the Last Frontier for the best goods Alaska has to offer. We thoughtfully arrange them into themed gift boxes that each tell a story so you can gift with meaning.

  • Curated for Convenience

    Pick from our thoughtfully curated collection. We've tracked down and handpicked some of the best goods in Alaska.

  • Keep it Personal

    Find the perfect gift and we'll include a handwritten card with a personal message from you.

  • We'll take care of the rest

    Your gift is packed to perfection and shipped straight to their doorstep. We take great care to ensure each gift arrives looking great!

  • Our Story

    Frontier Crate was inspired by our desire to share Alaska with friends & family. We handpick goods that we love and represent unique aspects of our beautiful state! About Us

  • Shipping Information

    Each gift box is carefully hand-packed with a handwritten note (if you like). We pack our gifts to make sure they look great when they're opened at their final destination. Shipping Details